Gm Tartarians,
If you’re reading this then you have been chosen by the Lord. Chosen for one of man’s hardest battles. The fight against the globetards on the most censored and ridiculed topic of our era – flat earth.
It’s About Sending a Message
If they can make you believe that you live on a spinning testicle that rotates on its orbit at 1000 miles per hour, then whizzes around the sun at 66,000 miles per hour all while blasting through the galaxies at 500,000 miles per hour….all while feeling completely stationary….then they can make you believe anything.
Flat earth is the final frontier of conspiracy theories that completely frees a man from globalist propaganda. It is a long path to get there, 100% of flat earthers began believing the mainstream narrative and through sheer autistic commitment to truth. Despite risking losing employment and ruining family ties we discovered the flat out facts.
Once a man disagrees with the mainstream narrative on his literal worldview he cannot be duped – no vaccine can be pushed on us, no weird gay stuff, no race baiting, no 911 and climate change hoaxes. We are now totally psyop free to think and act how we want.
Combine this freedom with the power of memes and censorship resistant permissionless cryptocurrencies – and welcome an orbit-bending paradigm shift.

The FE meme is very pre-viral. Right now it is still niche, although much less niche than you think, particularly in the based corners of CT. But with normies like Candace Owens and Tucker Carlson floating with the idea of flat earth it is just a matter of time before the most searched topics on Youtube in 2015 (before it got censored) sweeps over all conservative talking points. A second stolen election away from Donald Trump would push disenfranchised people down the rabbit hole even faster.
The moon landing was fake af, the equipment used looks like a bad high school production, so the $FLAT token can reach the moon way before any human can.
PolitiFi tokens are now an established memecoin sector with TRUMP reaching half a billy marketcap and many others passing 100m. Men like to rally around shared ideas, particularly spicy and politically incorrect ones. We are a tribal species but all act as lone wolves in this modern era locked alone in our mother’s basements, based memes are the tools that bring us together to make science great again.

If you’ve read this far I salute you. It’s time to throw off the shekels of control and proudly pronounce the true shape of God’s great earth. Which puts us as the centre as special meaningful leaders of the animal kingdom. We are not insignificant specs of dust on random spinning planet in the universe with trillions of other planets as Einstein and Hawking want you to believe – we are at the centre of God’s great earth surrounded by an ice wall and it’s time we take back what is ours!
If you’ve read up to here, and hold $FLAT tokens and are not a triggered liberal normie then post in the Telegram chat ‘i am a flat earth madman’ so we know.